
A single, skillfully played instrument makes an appealing sound. But, when an orchestra creates a symphony, the impact is deep & powerful!

When we say ‘Integrated Marketing Communications’, we mean that all form communications and messages are linked together carefully, keeping in mind your challenges, objectives and budgets.


All the communications tools work better if they work together in harmony rather than in isolation. And, we at iCatchers Media solutions have mastered the art of integrating various communications tools effectively.Not just stopping there, we take integration beyond the basic communications tools. We have been supporting various organizations by successful integration at other levels such as Horizontal, Vertical, Internal and External.
Horizontal Integration occurs with an objective to align communications program sales marketing objectives.

Vertical Integration means communications is aligned with marketing in order to support the higher level of corporate objectives & missions.

Internal Integration involves internal communications – keeping all staff motivated and keep them informed about any new developments, achievement & milestones etc.

External Integration, on the other hand, requires external channels such as advertising and PR to dispel an integrated message.

How We Work?

Conceive>> Create>> Communicate, this three-pronged approach is the driving force for us. A rigorous research based on our understanding of clients’ requirement fuelled with creative thoughts and little inspiration help us in conceiving our media products.Thereafter it is sheer hard work augmented with team work in getting the desired results. Once the perfection is achieved in the execution, packaging is done in a way that it helps in communicating to the right audience thereby establishing a long lasting connect!

Besides, our process oriented approach; we strive for long-term relationship orientation, commitment to delivering value and position ourselves as partner to your organization. It is always our endeavor to explore new ways to put our communication expertise to your benefits.

Benefits of IMC

  • It creates competitive advantage, boost sales and profits while saving money & time
  • It aims at creating a unified message, which has more impact than a disjointed myriad of messages
  • It boosts sales by stretching messages across several communications tools to create more avenues for customers to become aware
  • It also makes messages more consistent and therefore more credible